
" Hadith 40: Submission of Desires to the Prophet's Teaching "

" Discover Hadith 40 with Abdullah bin Amru as the Prophet emphasizes the importance of believers' desires aligning with his teachings ". Hadith 40 From Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-Ash r.a he said: " The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:  ' There is no believer among you until his desires obey what I say' ". Source of Hadith by, Imam Nawawi  

" Hadith 39: Life as a Journey - Advice from the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings, upon him) ".

" Explore Hadith 39 with Ibn Umar r.a. as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), advises us to view life as a journey, utilizing our time wisely and making the most of each moment ". Hadith 39 From Ibnu Umar r.a., he said: " The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, held my shoulder and said: ' Consider yourself in this world as a sojourner, or a traveler'". Then Ibnu Umar r.a. said: " If you are in the evening, then you should not wait for the morning. And if you are in the morning then don't wait for the evening. Use your healthy time before sick time comes. And use the time of your life before the time of death comes ". Source of Hadith by, Imam Nawawi 

" Hadith 38: Allah's Love for His Devout Servants "

"Explore Hadith 38 with Abu Hurairah r.a, uncovering Allah's love for those who approach Him with devotion and the special blessings He bestows upon His loyal servants" Hadith 38   From Abu Hurairah r.a, that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings, upon him) said:  " Indeed, Allah Ta'ala said: 'Whoever is an enemy of My Wali (a person who is loyal to Me), then indeed I declare war against him. And none of My servants prostrates (approaches himself) to Me with anything I love him more than he fulfills all that I have imposed on him. And let My servant always worship Me with nawaitu (circumcision worship) until I love him. So when I have loved him, I will surely be his hearing that he listens to, and as his blinding. with which he sees, and as his hand with which he acts, and as his foot with which he walks. And if he asks Me I will give it to him, and if he seeks protection from Me I will protect him ' ". Source from: Hadith 40, by Imam Nawawi.

" Hadith 37: The Balance of Good and Evil "

" Discover the divine wisdom in Hadith 37 with Ibnu Abbas, exploring the balance between good and evil, the rewards for choosing good, and the consequences of evil intentions   " Hadith 37 From Ibnu Abbas r.a, " Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings, upon him) who narrated this hadith from his Lord Tabaraka Wa Ta'ala, he said:  ' Indeed Allah has established good and evil, and has explained them both. So whoever desires good, then he does not do it - Allah will engrave on him a perfect hasanah. And if he carries it out, Allah will surely engrave on him ten hasanah up to seven hundred times as many and up to several times the amount. And if he aspires to do something evil and then does not do it, Allah will inscribe with Him a perfect hasanah. If he continues his evil ambition and does it, Allah will inscribe for him only one evil' ". (Bukhari and Muslim in their two authentic books) Source from: Hadith 40, by Imam Nawawi 

" Hadith 36: Compassion, Relief, and Brotherhood "

" Explore the wisdom of Hadith 36 with Abu Hurairah, emphasizing acts of compassion, relief for believers, covering the shame of Muslims, and the rewards of knowledge sharing ". Hadith 36 From Abu Hurairah r.a., from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings, upon him) said:  " Whoever relieves a believer of a hardship from the hardships of the world, Allah will free himself from a hardship from the hardships of the Day of Resurrection. And whoever relieves the suffering of a difficult person, surely Allah will ease his suffering in this world and in the hereafter. Whoever covers the shame of a Muslim, surely God will cover his shame in the hereafter. And God always helps His servant, as long as His servant tries to help his brother. Whoever leads a path to claim knowledge, God will surely make a way for him to heaven easier. And a group of people do not gather in a house from the houses of God, they read the Book of God and study it among themselves, but peace is sent...

" Hadith 35: Brotherhood and the Prohibition of Envy "

" Explore Hadith 35 with Abu Hurairah, emphasizing the values of brotherhood in Islam, the prohibition of envy, and the importance of treating fellow Muslims with respect and compassion ". Hadith 35 From Abu Hurairah r.a., he said: " The Messenger of God (peace and blessings, upon him) said: ' Do not envy, and do not deceive, and do not hate each other, and do not be enemies to enemies, and do not sell and buy for the other half, and be all of you as brothers and sisters of God. A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim, you cannot oppress him, you cannot allow him to be oppressed, you cannot lie to him and you cannot insult him'. Taqwa stems from this - while the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings, upon him) pointed to his chest three times. 'It is sufficient for that person's crime if he insults his Muslim brother. A Muslim against another Muslim is forbidden his blood, his property and his honor ' ."

Hadith 34: Changing Evil with Action, Words, or Heart"

" Explore Hadith 34 with Abi Said Al-Khudri r.a, emphasizing the duty of believers to change evil by action, words, or heart, reflecting the strength of their faith ". Hadith 34 From Abi Said Al-Khudri r.a, he said: 'I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings, upon him) said': " Whoever among you sees evil, then let him change it with his hand (power).  If he has no power then he should change it with his tongue (his advice).  If he does not have the power then he should change it with his heart (not happy with the act).  And such is the weakest faith ". Narrated by Imam Nawawi