
Showing posts with the label Charity

" Daily Acts of Charity: Hadith Wisdom by Abu Hurairah "

" Explore a Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah r.a, highlighting the daily opportunities for acts of charity in Islam. Discover how small gestures, reconciling conflicts, and kind words contribute to a life of giving ". Hadith 26 From Abu Hurairah r.a: That the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings, upon him) said: ' Every member of the human body must give charity every day when the sun rises. You make peace between two people is charity. And you help someone ride his horse or you help him lift things onto his horse is almsgiving, and good words are almsgiving. And every step towards the place of prayer is almsgiving. And you keep danger from the path also becomes almsgiving' ". Hadith by Imam Nawawi 

" Rewarding Acts: Hadith Wisdom on Charity by Abu Dzar Al-Ghafiri r.a "

" Explore a profound Hadith narrated by Abu Dzar Al-Ghafiri, shedding light on the rewarding nature of acts beyond wealth-based charity. Discover how simple acts of worship, good deeds, and marital intimacy earn divine rewards ." From Abu Dzar Al-Ghafiri r.a., that a group of people from the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him), asked the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him): " O Messenger of Allah! The rich people have received more rewards. They pray as we pray, fast as we fast and they give charity with their wealth that is more than that.  " The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) said: ' Hasn't God shown you the ways in which you can give alms? Truly with every tasbih is almsgiving, and every takbir is almsgiving, and every tahlil is almsgiving, and with every tahmid almsgiving and at every tahli is almsgiving, and enjoining doing good is almsgiving and forbidding doing evil is an almsgiving, and sex...