" Profound Teachings: Hadith from Abu Dzar Al-Ghafiri r.a "
"Explore the profound wisdom in a Hadith from Abu Dzar Al-Ghafiri r.a, conveying the loving and merciful nature of Allah. Learn about His guidance, sustenance, forgiveness, and the significance of personal responsibility ".
" O My servants! Indeed, I have forbidden the persecution of Myself, and I have made it forbidden among you, so do not persecute- persecute. O My servants! You are all astray, except for whom I have given guidance. So you should ask Me for guidance, and I will give you that guidance. O My servants! You are all hungry except for whom I have given food to him, then you should not ask for food from Me, I will surely give you food. O My servants! If you are naked, except for those whom I give clothes, then ask for clothes from Me. O My servants! If you do wrong at night and day and I am the only one who forgives all sins. So ask forgiveness from Me, and I will forgive all your sins. O my servants! You are not capable of planning something harmful to harm Me, and you are not capable of planning something beneficial to benefit Me. O my servants! If the previous people and the later people among you were united, whether from the human or jinn type, all of them had piety like the piety of a human heart among you, surely that would not add even a little wealth to My kingdom. O my servants! If those who came before and those who came after you were united, whether of the human or jinn type, all of them were as evil as the heart of a human being among you, then that would not detract from My kingdom in the slightest. . O my servants! If those who came before and those who came after you were united, whether they were human or jinn, they all gathered in an open field and each asked Me, then I would grant each of them their request. , surely that will not reduce a bit of what I have, but like the reduction of a needle that falls into the sea. O my servants! In fact, all of those are your deeds that I have recorded for all of you, later in the day I will answer for each and every one of them. Therefore, whoever receives good should praise Allah and whoever receives otherwise should not criticize except himself ".
Hadith No.24,
by Imam Nawawi